Proposed Syllabus: A Sample

ED.D. 101


III. COURSE CREDIT:                     3 units

IV. PRE-REQUISITE/S:                  none

            This subject is a study of the various Anthropological and Sociological viewpoints in managing educational systems and institutions. As suggested by its course title, this course presents a number of anthropological and sociological concerns and foundations which should be taken into account by educational managers to become effective and dynamic. This field of study also attempts to apply to educational management the well known Anthropological and Sociological findings  and theories as this subject explains the effects in learning of different Anthropological and Sociological factors.

            A. General Objectives:
            1. To introduce the students to various Sociological and Anthropological concerns that affect educational management
            2. To present the effects of different Sociological and Anthropological factors in learning
            3. To introduce the different theories in Sociology and Anthropology that are useful in managing educational institutions and systems.

            B. Specific Objectives:
            1. To enumerate and discuss the various Sociological concerns that affect educational management
            2. To specify and clarify the different Anthropological concerns that affect educational management
            3. To identify the significant effects of Sociological and Anthropological factors in learning
            4. To name the various theories in Sociology and Anthropology and identify their use in educational management

1. Attendance           
2. Report/Presentation
3. Research paper    

            Professor’s discretion


A. Sociological concerns that affect educational management
1. Social Stratification and Education
a. Society and Social Stratification defined
b. Social Status
Determinants of Social Status of Class
                                                Occupational and income Scale
                                                                House Type
                                                                Dwelling Area
c. Social Mobility
d. Status Symbols
e. Role
f. Effects of Social Stratification in Learning
g. Theories about Social Stratification and Educational management

2. Social Groups and Education
a. Two General types of Groups
b. General Functions and Advantages of Social Groups
c. Kinds of Voluntary Groups
                                    Peer Groups
                                    Idolized Group
                                    The We-group and the They-group
d. Formal Voluntary Associations
e. Theories about Social Groups and Educational Management

3. Institutional Group Agencies for Education
a. The Family
                                    Classification of the Family
                                                According to Structure
                                                According to the Number of Spouses
                                                 According to Line of Descent
                                                  According to Residence 
                                                   According to Dominance
                                    General Functions of the Family
                                    Educative Functions of the Family (Home)
b. The School
                                    Functions of a School
                                    Relationship Between the School and the Community
                                    Evaluation of a School
c. The Church
                                    How Teaching is Done in the Church
                                    What are Learned in the Church
                                    Characteristics of Divine Values
d. Managing Education in the Family, School, and the Church

4. Human Relations and Leadership in Education
a. Human Relations
                                    Ten Commandments of Human Relations
                                    Short Course in Human Relations
b. Leadership
                                    Qualities of a Leader
                                    Leadership Foundation Defines Leadership
                                    Theories About the Emergence of Leaders
                                    Kinds or Types of Leaders
                                                According to Status
                                                According to Managerial Grid
                                                 According to Manner of Participation
                                                  According to Democratic Practices
                                    Functions and Roles of a Leader in an Organization
                                    How a Leader Deals with His Subordinates
                        Methods in Influencing the Group in Decision-Making          
                                    The Problem-Solving Process a Leader may Use
                                    General Functions of a Leader

5. Social Problems
Managing Education amidst Social Problems
a. Drug Addiction
                                    Evil Effects of Drugs
b. Juvenile Deliquency
c. Lack of Peace and Order
d. Sex Problems
                                    Sex Problems in the Country
                                    Causes of Sex Problems
                                    Negative Effects of Sex Problems in Education
e. Population Explosion
                                    Negative Effects of Overpopulation in Education
f. Poverty
g. Gambling
                                    Negative Effects of Gambling in Education
h. Alcoholism
                                    Negative Effects of Alcoholism in Education
i. Traffic Congestion
                                    Negative Effects of Traffic Congestion in Education
j. Brownouts
                                    Adverse Effects of Brownouts in Education
k. Deforestation
                                    Negative Effects of Deforestation in Education
l. Pollution
                                    Negative Effects of Pollution in Education
m. Unemployment
                                    Adverse Effects of Unemployment in Education

B. Anthropological concerns that affect educational management
1. Culture and Education
Meaning of Culture
Classification of Culture
                                    According to Dynamism
                                     According to Stability
                                     According to Form of Component
Characteristics of Culture
Functions of Culture
Culture, Society, and Educational Management

2. Language and Writing
a. Language
                                    Characteristics of Language
                                    Elements of Language
                                    Functions of Language
                                    Mechanical Aids in Oral Communication
b. Writing
                                    Development of Writing
                                    Mechanical Aids to Writing
                                    Functions and Importance of Writing
                                    Relation Between Language and Writing

3. Religion and Education
Some Religious Beliefs and Practices
Instruments of Religion
Religious Leaders or Officials
Classification of Religions According to the Number of Gods Worshipped
Functions, Uses and Roles of Religion
The World Religions
4. The Arts and Education
Classification of Art
Uses and Functions of Art
Variations in Art Values

5. Geography and Education
Definition of Geography
Classifications of Geography
                                    According to Scope in Space
                                    According to Scope in Nature
Objectives of Studying Geography

6. Values and Education
Definition of Values
Classification of Values
                                    According to the Field or Purpose of Application
                                     According to Source
                                      According to the Benefit Derived
                                       According to the Nature of Occurrence
                                       According to Importance
                                       According to the Effect of Practicing
                                         According to Rationality
                                          According to the Number of People
                                                                Affected or Involved
Characteristics of Values
                                    Spiritual Values
                                     Human Values
Functions of Values
Important Filipino Cultural Values
The Process of Valuing

Jose F. Calderon, Ed. D. Foundations of Education. Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines. 1998. pp. 89-230.

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