OurHappySchool.com aims to persuade people—kids, youths, and adults alike—that learning is fun.
One of its FREE PROGRAMS is to develop the youths' journalistic skills by encouraging them to write articles that OurHappySchool.com would publish on-line with their respective names in the by-line—something which they could proudly show to their friends, classmates, and teachers.
With the assistance of their parents/guardians, they may write articles (ideally 4 to 6 paragraphs) about:
1. their expertise or interest (e.g. basic tips on how to play violin, cook a delicacy, study Math easily, etc.);
2. their happy or unforgettable experiences in school or during vacation;
3. events, interesting things, places (e.g. museums or places for field trip), and personalities (e.g. parents, favorite teachers, responsible nanny, etc.).
Youth/kids may also submit their original poems, short stories, and the like.
(Important note: By sending us contribution/s, it means that you have agreed to the term and condition that your contribution/s is/are plagiarism-free. Since the copyright belongs to the contributor, OurHappySchool.com is not liable to any infraction that your contribution/s may commit. Thank you!)