Learning Objects: A little help for our kids

LET'S ADMIT, there are concepts that are hard for teacher (and parents, as well)  to explain just by reading the text or simply looking at an image.  Sometimes, we have to see how it moves or how it works to be able to completely comprehend the idea.  One example is the motion of the planets or sounds of musical instruments.

Thanks to technology, we now have learning objects . Learning objects or LO's are online instructional  materials use to illustrate, support the learning  or supplement  the understanding of a certain concept. Its characteristic are stand-alone or self-contained, meaning can be use independently;  re-usable- - -  can be used several times by different people and in various fields; and digital in format.

LO's come in various format. It can be a simple illustration like images of  [http://www.google.com.ph/images?q=image+water+cycle&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=76d5Tb0jzqysB_CerMQF&ved=0CCIQsAQ&biw=968&bih=816 water cycle]  or  animated and interactive like  what you will see in the University of the Philippines'  Diliman Interactive Website, www.dilc.upd.edu.ph.

In the said website,  there are various learning objects, to wit:

1. [http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/speechcom  Voice and Diction Online ]– where you will be taught how to properly pronounce certain words, it  even has tongue- twisting exercises and newscasting exercises.

2.[http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/lo-artstud Concept of  Lines and Colors ]– These LO's are used not only by those in the art appreciation class , Humanities but also by those in the field of  Fine Arts;

3.[http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/lo-math Understanding Math Using Origami]

4.Difficult to explain concepts in [http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/lo-physics Physics], [http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/lo-chem Chemistry and [http://www.dilc.upd.edu.ph/index.php/lo-engsci Engineering Science]

and many more.

To top it all, it's free of charge and free from advertisements.

Enjoy learning!!!!


Wine De Salu
Diliman Interactive Learning Center
University of the Philippines

Diliman, Quezon City
dilc.upd.edu.ph || 920-95-56 / 981-85-00 local 2058

DILC - Teaching and Learning with Technology: Learning Objects, Podcast, Vodcast, Online Lectures || UVLe - course management system: uvle.up.edu.ph || iskWiki! - community wiki: iskwiki.upd.edu.ph || isktreaming - media streaming: isktreaming.upd.edu.ph || iskpace - interactive map: iskpace.upd.edu.ph 

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